This is what i know internally and from a long lifetime of intimate relationships with those like me. Persistent Drive for Autonomy, (there are other…
I’m starting a new life today. In my new life, when I wake up at 4 in the morning, I get out of bed, drink…
SPD does not magically disappear with childhood. Problems with sensory processing are commonly found in adults. The American Occupational Therapy Association published an article in…
What happens when a person is unable to adequately filter or sort sensory information from her environment? She spends a lot of time feeling threatened.…
“In 1979, I needed to learn more than biology or chemistry or how to deconstruct literature. I needed to learn how to navigate my life as…
Sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves… As an adult with sensory processing disorder, I am contemplating a memoir with each chapter named after a…
It feels like we sensory defensive adults only have two options: deal with the crazy overwhelming world the way it is or keep a safe distance…
Before I learned I was an adult with Sensory Processing Disorder, specifically hypersensitivity (or sensory defensiveness) I had no idea how over-responsive I was to sound. Screaming…
SPD? Addiction? A match cast in my neurons before I was born. Although it has been many years since I imbibed in any recreational drug,…
I have a poignant love/hate relationship with caffeine – as I do with all mind-altering substances. I am convinced sensory processing disorder is intertwined in…