This is what i know internally and from a long lifetime of intimate relationships with those like me. Persistent Drive for Autonomy, (there are other…
SPD does not magically disappear with childhood. Problems with sensory processing are commonly found in adults. The American Occupational Therapy Association published an article in…
What happens when a person is unable to adequately filter or sort sensory information from her environment? She spends a lot of time feeling threatened.…
It feels like we sensory defensive adults only have two options: deal with the crazy overwhelming world the way it is or keep a safe distance…
Before I learned I was an adult with Sensory Processing Disorder, specifically hypersensitivity (or sensory defensiveness) I had no idea how over-responsive I was to sound. Screaming…
It is for the moms of young SPD children that I write about nail trimming. To anyone who would judge me for writing about such…
I created a drawing that illustrates how a person with a “sensory defensive” nervous system may react differently to ordinary stimuli than a person with a “normal” nervous system. Feel…
I watched a lovely movie last night, Bright Star, the story of Fanny Brawne’s love affair with the poet John Keats. More than a historical…
I caught motion in my peripheral vision – driver’s side window. It was over an inch and a half long, reddish brown. It was in…
When anything moves in the backyard, Rumsfeld, the 75-pound poodle, leaps to attention. His DNA was programmed over eons to be ready at any moment…