Sensory Defensive Nervous System – drawing
I created a drawing that illustrates how a person with a “sensory defensive” nervous system may react differently to ordinary stimuli than a person with a “normal” nervous system.
Feel free to print it. Sometimes we need a drawing to explain to others what it’s like.
Hi Sensorina,
I just wanted to thank you for creating this drawing. My son is 11 years old and uses it frequently to show me the different levels on your drawing to explain where he is on certain stages during the day ( in school it gets into the red area). The drawing also helped my mom and my husband, who have difficulties understanding SPD on how it feels to live with it. Thank you so much, it is an excellent tool.
Take care
Yasmin Farria
Hi Yasmin,
Thank you for the comment. I am so glad the drawing helped. I needed it not only to explain my feelings and behavior to my family and friends but to help me understand myself. Sometimes trying to explain just takes too many words :)
Love the cartoon, it’s a great visual aid. I posted it on my blog about ADD/ADHD and SPD coping positively tips and tricks. It is most difficult to deal with the need to have to organize/control my home environment and ADD which makes organizing a giant challenge:)
Dear Sensorina,
The drawing is great, it is like something else I have for my son who has SID and I wish more people in his life could look at this and the light go on.
I have a website: MyKidNSid where I share some of the experiences and tactics we try or use to get through our day or situations.
I would love to be able to carry/post your diagram on my site and a link back to your website.
Kind regards,
Hi Lane
I have really benefitted from exploring your website. I work with adults with asperger syndrome in the UK, predominantly supporting individuals with sensory processing difficulties. Would it be ok to share your sensory defensive nervous system drawing with clients and colleagues i work with?
Hi Alisa,
Thanks for your interest. You may direct your coworkers here to the website. There is a PDF of the drawing that anyone may print with my blessings. All I ask is that you do not alter the drawing, including but not limited to removing the copyright information. I am so glad you find my drawing useful. Good luck to you and your coworkers.
I find your website very helpful. My daughter is plagued with hypersentivity. I don’t know how to help her or live with her and my husband. She is 20 and is basically overwhelmed by sound, smell and sight. Any suggestions for my husband and me would be great. She says when we come home it drives her nuts. I just want to help, and not sure how.
thank you for your insight. love the cartoon
I am providing a workshop to teachers about Sensory Processing Disorder where I work. Would I be allowed to use your picture as a visual demonstration of the differences between a normal and sensory deficient system? I’d obviously use it as is, with no alterations and credit given to you!!!
I am providing a workshop to teachers about Sensory Processing Disorder where I work. Would I be allowed to use your picture as a visual demonstration of the differences between a normal and sensory deficient system? I’d obviously use it as is, with no alterations and credit given to you!!!